In this week's episode of Sake Unplugged, Cindy Bissig and Giulia Maglio are welcoming another international guest to the show, Jake Myrick, founder of Sequoia Sake in San Francisco!
So prepare yourself for a slightly extended Episode of Sake Unplugged, because Jake's story is really inspiring and we enjoyed chatting with him! Sequoia sake is a family business and a project filled with love and determination, we can't wait to fly out to San Francisco to meet him and try his sake. One of the many reasons why this brewery is special is that they also grow their own rice, which makes Jake's and his family's lives really busy, but surely fulfilled.
This is a weekly podcast so make sure to subscribe and tune in every Thursday and follow Sake Unplugged on Instagram and Facebook for updates and shenanigans!
The next episode will be aired on the 13th of October and will be about sake vessels!
Until then, #haveanicesake